As a self-employed worker, it can be more difficult to manage your finances. Your income may vary or not be as reliable as those who are employed. According to a study from Scottish Widows, almost half of self-employed workers said their income fluctuates. The research suggests that self-employed people could be more susceptible to income shocks, such as an unexpected …
Investment market update: June 2022
Rising inflation and concerns about recession risks continue to place pressure on households and affect economies around the world. The World Bank has slashed its 2022 global growth forecasts from 4.1% to 2.9%. The organisation also warned the global economy is at risk of experiencing stagflation, where economic growth is stagnant, but inflation is high. As an investor, you may …
Economic conditions could lead to falling house prices and increased negative equity risk
Amid challenging conditions, there are concerns that house prices could start to fall. It may affect how much equity you own in your home and could mean some homeowners end up in negative equity. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine mean inflation is rising in the UK and there’s a risk that the economy could …
Inflation: What happened the last time the cost of living was rising this rapidly?
The cost of living is rising quicker than has been normal in the last few decades. Indeed, the last time inflation was this high was in the 1980s. So, what happened then compared to now? According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), inflation in the 12 months to May 2022 was 9.1%. As a result, the cost of living …
5 compelling reasons why you should share a financial planner with your family
Money and financial decisions are often seen as a personal matter. However, making your family part of the financial planning process and discussing your goals with them can be valuable. A report from M&G Wealth found that 33% of advised families share the same adviser, with around 57% of those sharing the same adviser as their parents. If you’re used …
Should you voluntarily pay National Insurance contributions to boost your State Pension?
The State Pension is often an important part of your retirement income, so should you top up your National Insurance contributions (NICs) to increase it? Even if you have other pensions or income in retirement, your State Pension can be valuable. As it’ll be paid from when you reach State Pension Age for the rest of your life, it can …
Modern retirees are increasing their spending in later years, and it could affect your financial security
A trend among modern retirees to increase their spending as they get older could mean that some run out of money during their lifetime. The new research is an important reminder to consider how your spending needs will change during your retirement. Traditionally, spending has been higher during the initial few years of retirement as retirees tick off milestone goals …
Investment market update: May 2022
Investment markets in May experienced volatility amid concerns that economies could fall into a recession as inflation pressure remains high. While you may be worried about the volatility your investments have experienced, keep your long-term goals in mind. A long-term time frame can help smooth out the peaks and troughs of markets. This is because, historically, markets have recovered when …
National Trust locations offering fantastic activities during the summer holidays
With the summer holidays drawing closer, you might be searching for exciting activities to keep your children or grandchildren entertained while they’re off school. National Trust properties across the country are hosting fun activities and events for you to enjoy as a family. They’re a fantastic option if you want to spend time outdoors and take in some history. In …
8 useful questions to ask when viewing a house
When you’re viewing a house, there’s a lot to take in. You may be trying to weigh up if it’s worth the asking price, if it’s the right size for your family, and keeping an eye out for signs of damp. Having a list of key questions to ask the estate agent or owner can help you understand the property …